CT Performance Phantoms

Home CT Performance Phantoms

CT Performance Phantoms

Catphan® Phantoms
Convenient SET-UP

The Catphan® Phantom’s patented design includes many exclusive features that make it easy to achieve perpendicular alignment. As all of the test sections are arranged at prescribed intervals from the first module, operators can quickly scan all test sections in a single sequence, eliminating the need to reposition the phantom for each section. In addition, the integral case mount allows the phantom to be positioned in the scanner, sup¬ported off the end of the table, eliminating table artifacts. The case is also equipped with a level to aid in positioning. Fast, easy positioning and the universal mount of the Catphan® Phantom makes it ideal for daily quality assurance programs on any scanner.

Solid-Cast Construction

Catphan® Phantoms are constructed from mod¬ules that fit snugly into a durable 20cm housing. Both the 500 and 600 Catphan® models are made from solid-cast materials, eliminating material absorption of water and leaks associated with water bath phantoms, as well as problems related to varied water sources.

Modular Design

The Catphan® modular design allows test mod¬ules to be interchanged. As your testing needs change and new modules are developed, you can upgrade test modules that are compatible with your Catphan® system. Additionally, the modular design makes the Catphan® system ideal for traveling physicists and engineers who conduct comprehensive evaluations of CT scanners at multiple locations, as they are easily transportable and no draining is required between uses.

Catphan® 500

Designed to evaluate the maximum performance potential of axial and spiral CT scanners.


Designed to evaluate the maximum performance potential of multi-slice CT scanners with enhanced sensitometry samples for radiation therapy planning.

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