Dose Calibrator Sources

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Dose Calibrator Sources

Dose Calibrator Reference Standards (RV or E Vial)
(SS&DR No. CA040651485)

Dose Calibrator Reference Sources provide a safe and convenient method of calibrating instruments for measuring the accuracy of imaging solutions most commonly utilized by medical technicians. The Dose Calibrator Vial is manufac tured by distributing the active element in 20 mL of epoxy, comprising a density of approximately 1.0g/cm’. Each standard is supplied in a 27 mL polyethylene vial. Calibration is in terms of activity contained in an aqueous solution. NIST traceable within ±5% at the 99% confidence level.

Product Code Nuclide Activity(mCi) Activity(MBq)
RR-057-5M Co-57 5 185
RV-057-10M Co-57 10 370
RV-137-200U Cs-137 0.200 7.4
RV-137- 250U Cs-137 0.250 9.25
RV-133-250U Ba-133 0.250 9.25
RV-SET Co-57, Cs-137, Ba-133 5, 0.200, 0.250 185, 7.4, 9.25
RV-SET-1 Co-57, Co-60, Cs-137, Ba-133 5, 0.050, 0.200, 0.250 185, 1.85, 7.4, 9.25
RV-SET-2 Co-57, Co-60, Cs-137 5, 0.050, 0.200 185, 1.85, 7.4
RV-060-50U Co-60 0.050 1.85

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